Parcul National Killarney (I)

Cred ca e foarte important sa visam din cand in cand. Zilele trecute visam cu ochii deschisi cum ar fi daca as fi un nor. Sa plutesc pe cer in razele soarelui. Cred ca mi-ar placea. Revenind cu picioarele pe pamant, azi vreau sa va povestesc despre prima zi in Parcul National Killarney, Irlanda. Prietenii mei pe care i-am vizitat in Irlanda mi-au daruit drept cadou de ziua mea rezervarea la un hostel in Killarney pentru ca nu ne ajungeau doar cateva ore sa vizitam putin imprejurimile.

Dimineata la ora 8 am plecat din Cork si cred ca in vreo doua ore am si ajuns cu trenul in Killarney. Am fost uimita de faptul ca pana si in tren aveam semnal wireless, asa am avut ocazia sa-mi tin la curent prietenii/cunoscutii de locul pe care urma sa-l vizitez. Din pacate prima zi a fost un pic mai innorata iar muntii erau invaluiti in ceata, dupa cum veti putea observa si voi mai jos. Ne-am facut check-in-ul la hostel Neptun, am lasat bagajele si am plecat intr-o plimbare la pas. Am observat ca la iesirea din acel mic orasul (Killarney) incep deja rute scurte prin Parcul National. Am urmat drumul pavat, in dreapta noastra curgea si un rau/parau iar natura sa nu va spun, de un verde splendid. Flori albe si mov in padurile care impanzeau parcul. Totul arata foarte ingrijit si curat, desi natura era lasata in voia ei. Am dat si de un drum de pamant care pareau sa strabata un deal. M-a lovit curiozitatea, vroiam sa vad ce e dincolo de deal asa ca am parasit trotuarul. Pe masura ce urcam am vazut ca dincolo sunt niste munti, ai caror varfuri inca nu se vedeau de ceata. Abia cand am ajuns in varful lui, am vazut ca la baza muntilor se intindea un lac destul de mare. Ne-am odihnit putin si am savurat peisajul, dupa care am pornit inapoi spre oras.

Odata intoarse in Killarney, ne-am dat seama ca ne este si foame, ne simteam si obosite deja. Restul zilei nu s-a mai intamplat nimic interesant, inafara de faptul ca seara am vrut neaparat sa mancam la Eddie Rocket’s. De diminata de cand am venit de la gara si am vazut ca este in Killarney asa ceva, stiam ca vreau sa mai mananc odata acolo. Seara cand m-am pus in pat, incercam sa-mi imaginez cum arata oceanul. Stiam ca urma sa facem a doua zi un tur ‘The Ring of Kerry’ si nu mai puteam de nerabdare.

Sper sa va placa fotografiile, in ciuda vremii putin capricioare. Dar vorbim despre Irlanda, macar nu a plouat.



I think it’s really important to keep dreaming as we go through life. The other days I imagined how would it be to become a cloud in the sky, to float and get warmed by the sun. Getting back with my feet on the ground, in this post I want to tell you about my first day in Killarney National Park. My friends reserved a hostel as a birthday, because only one day spent there is not enough to visit at least part of the park.

We got to Killarney around 10am by train, we left our luggage at the hostel and went for a walk around the small city of Killarney. It’s quite small, as after less than an hour we got to the point where the national park starts. We followed a pedestrian road across the park with the river on our right side. The forest was beautifully green and on the ground there were growing lots of white and violet/blue flowers, I think they are called bluebells. I’ve only seen in photographs so many flowers in one place. You can imagine my enthusiasm.  At some point there was a country road that would go across a hill and of course I got curious of what’s on the other side  so we changed a little the direction. By the time we got in the top of the hill, a totally different landscape was standing before our eyes. Mountains covered in fog and the base of the mountains a quite large lake. Such a shame it wasn’t sunny almost at all.

We rested there for a while and then we got back to the city. We were already tired and hungry. The rest of the day we didn’t do much. In the evening we went to Eddie Rocket’s to eat. I saw the dinner in the morning when we where going from the train station to our hostel. I knew I wanted to eat at least once more in the place. It was delicious, of course.

Enjoy the photograph bellow 🙂


St. Marry's Catholic Church St. Marry's Catholic Church Killarney National Park Killarney National Park blue bells Killarney National Park blue bells Killarney National Park  river Killarney National Park Killarney National Park Killarney National Park Killarney National Park Mountains and lake Killarney National Park Mountains and lake St. Marry's Catholic Church

7 thoughts on “Parcul National Killarney (I)

  1. Really nice post! The photos from the forest, with the ferns and the blue flowers are wonderful! I love the 9th one down, too (although they are all great!)

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