
Imi doream de mult sa ajung in Sibiu. Am auzit de la multe persoane ca e un oras foarte frumos si totusi nu ma asteptam sa ma impresioneze. Nu am petrecut prea mult timp acolo, am ajuns noaptea si cateva ore ziua urmatoare. Am mai oprit putin cand m-am intors de la mare.

[EN] I wanted for a long time to see the city Sibiu. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, but I didn’t expect to be so impressed. I didn’t spend much time there, only one night and then a few hours in the centre on the next day. However, I enjoyed it very much and found it very relaxing.

Sibiu Sibiu



Ce mi-a placut ce mai mult a fost linistea din oras. Chiar si in centru mi se parea ca nu e acelasi zumzet ca si in Timisoara. Oamenii nu ridica tonul cand vorbesc intre ei. M-a fascinat chestia asta. Am stat vreo 3 ore pe o terasa in centru si m-am relaxat ceea ce in Timisoara se traduce in oboseala.

[EN] What I loved most about it was the atmosphere. People are not that loud like in Timisoara, where I live. I’ve spent 3 hours in the center of the town on a terrace and was feeling actually relaxed. This does happen for me in Timisoara, I would rather feel tired. I felt like people were a little nicer and didn’t raised there voice so much when they talked.





Un alt aspect care mi-a placut a fost acoperisul caselor. Fotografiindu-le dau senzatie ca sunt niste ochi care te privesc. Mai vazusem asemenea fotografii, dar in zona Banatului nu am vazut acoperis cu gemutele ca niste ochi.

[EN] Another aspect that fascinated me was the roof tops of the houses in the area. They looked like many eyes looking at you. I’ve seen photos with this kind of roof tops but I wasn’t able to see this type in the area I live. I was glad I could photograph the curios eyes.



In fotografia de mai jos, am reusit sa surprind doi batranei in calatoria lor prin viata. Unul vine, altul pleaca. Mereu e asa cu oamenii.

[EN] In the photograph bellow I managed to capture two old people through their journey in life. One of them is coming, the other is leaving. That’s how it goes with all people in life.

doi batranei



In urmatoarea postare voi reveni cu fotografii de la multe (Transfagaran). Sunt mult mai multumita de acele fotografii decat acestea din Sibiu. Ce-i drept, am prins ora pranzului in centrul orasului si nu era ora potrivita pentru pozat. Cu toate acestea cred ca mi-au iesit cateva cadre acceptabile.

Bucurati-va de weekend!

[EN] In my next post I’ll share with you photographs from the mountain. Unfortunately, in was in Sibiu during noon so that is not the best time to take photos. Still, I think that I managed to take a few acceptable ones.

Enjoy the weekend! To those of you who live in the USA I wish you happy labor day!

5 thoughts on “Sibiu

  1. I didn’t manage to make it to Sibiu during my 2010 visit to Romania. Next time….
    And it sounds like you need to go back too!

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