A girl, her story and the reality.

Joy is more than happiness, just as happiness is more than pleasure. Pleasure is in the body. Happiness is in the mind and feelings. Joy is deep in the heart, the spirit, the center of the self.

Photography is my joy.

I once read an interview with a photographer from National Geographic and at some point he said: “I photograph to understand.” I personally, photograph because it brings me joy and because it allows me to share what I see and how I see the world. So I could say that I photograph for others to understand. I offer them my version of reality and you may either like it or not.

I present you my version of reality from last Sunday’s photo shooting with my lovely model, Diana. We had a very good time, laughed a lot and enjoyed the warm sunlight.


She told the seashell her story, whispering every secret her memories held. Then she laid that shell at the ocean’s edge and watched the tide pick it up and bring it out to sea. Hopefully, the mermaids will get her message. 

Diana Diana Diana Diana


Diana Diana


Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana

9 thoughts on “A girl, her story and the reality.

  1. Great shots Klaudia. My favorites are the soft focus shots and you already know how much I love black and white 😀 Have a great weekend.

  2. I love the one where she jumps. Because you can see the particles of sand how they separating from the soles. Lovely photo shooting. Lovely model and good photographer !:)

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